Julia Kokoshari is a professional multi-disciplinary artist. At an early age she expressed her talents through painting, music, writing and foreign languages. She has opened several exhibitions in Europe and also here in the U.S. Admirers appreciate her unique way of expressing an idea, concept and theme and how vivid and graded color effects bring...
Check out this amazing music video two of our medical students made of the wonderful, fabulous, and hardworking P2P team! We had the best time during our mission and we wanted to show off our silly sides and joy to everyone else!
Our June 2016 Cataract Surgical and Medical Mission to Calca in the Sacred Valley of Peru was a great success!! Over 400 medical patients and 924 eye clinic patients were examined, close to 1,600 pairs of distance, reading and non prescription sunglasses were dispensed, 51 eye surgeries and over 100 ultrasound procedures were performed. This was...
Follow Amanda Bader as she blogs about her experience in Peru! apromisetoperu2016.blogspot.com Friday marked our last day of clinic and we definitely went out with a bang! Walking into clinic, patients were lined up in almost every empty space of the hospital, awaiting both eye and medical care. Although Friday’s clinic only ran until 2pm, we were...
Follow Amanda Bader as she blogs about her experience in Peru! apromisetoperu2016.blogspot.com And there goes another two days! With each passing day, we continue to exceed our goals, as we saw about 500 patients in the eye clinic and over 250 in the medical clinic. Our surgical team has also been working tirelessly these past two...
The Surgical and Medical mission is underway. Both clinics are set up and has begun to see patients. We were welcomed by Dr. Francisco Morales and introductory lecture about the state of healthcare in Peru.
Follow Amanda Bader as she blogs about her experience in Peru! apromisetoperu2016.blogspot.com “Wow, these first two days have just flown by! Monday began our five-day journey and this year has started off with extreme success! Day 1 began at 6:45am, with patients lined up waiting for both the eye clinic and medical clinic to open. Optometry/ophthalmology...
Follow Amanda Bader as she blogs about her experience in Peru! apromisetoperu2016.blogspot.com We are excited to announce that we have safely arrived in Peru! Today (Sunday) was the group’s first trip to our clinic, which is located in a hospital in the town of Calca, Peru. We were warmly greeted by Dr. Morales, a Peruvian physician...
Thank you to all of the participants who joined us in the past few weeks and especially today for the daunting task of packing over 50 suitcases of medical and surgical supplies. We are ready for take off next month!
“Almost $7,000 raised!!! On Monday April 25, 2016 our long time participant and fundraising committee member Julia Colmenares along with a committee of dedicated participants, Ana Castaneda and Frances Ng, created a beautiful Peruvian event at la Candela restaurant in Hicksville. We were treated to a lavish Peruvian buffet, and fantastic Peruvian music. The evening...
OUR NEXT MISSION: June 12-17, 2016 to the Sacred Valley, Peru Since the non-profit’s inception in 2011, the surgical and medical team has completed 5 Medical Missions & 4 Cataract Surgical Missions and we have accomplished: Approximately 330 sight restoring surgical procedures performed 7,400 medical exams on patients in remote villages, orphanages and schools 190...
First Lecture Symposium was a great success at Stony Brook Medical Center! Medical students and nursing students were introduced to relevant medications and common disease pathologies in the first of two lecture series held before our annual mission. March 30, 2016 – Stony Brook School of Medicine HSC Room 272A/B 3:15 pm Lecturer: Debra Messina MD &...