The Messina Family established the Drs. Philip and Richard Messina Endowed Fund for Excellence in Global Initiatives Annual Award in 2014 to encourage participation in international medical and cataract surgical missions for Stony Brook medical students and Stony Brook ophthalmology residents with the nonprofit organization A Promise to Peru, Inc. as a way to commemorate the lives...
Written by Darren Triller Through the miracle of social media and the caring and collaboration of at least 4 global non-profits (including A Promise to Peru) and a medical device company, a teenaged boy in Nicaragua was able to undergo sight-saving surgery last month to address congenital glaucoma in his remaining eye. The case was initially...
A Promise to Peru has over 100 ways you can gift family and friends with something that takes up no space, has no calories and never gets returned! Purchase any gift from the list by clicking on the link below. In the notes field, write which gift you’re purchasing. Print out the below card (or download it...
Last month, for our surgical eye mission to Ecuador, jetBlue graciously flew 700 pounds of surgical supplies for us, free of charge. Thanks to their support, our organization saved over $1,000 in luggage fees. Thank you jetBlue! JetBlue’s mission is to inspire humanity – both in the air and on the ground. We are committed to giving back in...
Our community has selected our organization as one of the 2018 Top-Rated Nonprofits using GreatNonprofits - an award based on outstanding online Reviews. A Promise to Peru, Inc. has earned a spot on the 2018 Top Rated List! Thank you for your continue support!
Barbara and Brian Shore funded the operating costs of the eye surgical mission, in memory of Barbara’s mother, Marjorie T Sablow. Through their generosity they enabled us to perform sight-restoring surgeries and truly make a difference in the lives of so many people. Our team transported eye surgical supplies worth more than $160,000 as the result...
Written by Shuhan Wang, MS4 This is a hard post to write because today is our last day at the clinic in Riobamba. Over the span of this week, our team completed over 600 appointments at the ophthalmologic office, performed cataract removals and other sight restoring surgeries for approximately 85 patients (ranging from 3 years old...
Written by Shuhan Wang, MS4 Hey everyone! Today, we helped remove cataracts for 21 more patients and distribute 150 eye glasses in an abandoned school thirty minutes outside of Riobamba! I met two interesting young cousins in their early 40s, Jose and Carlos, who have retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a genetic condition that results in progressive loss...
When you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life. This sentiment rings true for us during this mission. While the days can be more than 12 hours long and we are running on just a few hours of sleep, we feel very much invigorated and enormously satisfied at...
Written by Shuhan Wang, MS4 Hey there! Another day of the mission successfully completed! I decided to share just one of the highlights of my day with you all tonight in an effort to catch up on some sleep. I hope you enjoy some photos in the meantime! This afternoon, our team had a very special case. A nervous and quiet 16-year-old girl, Maria, came...
Written by Shuhan Wang, MS4 My eyes popped open with an inexpressible excitement before my alarm could go off this morning. My phone read 6:10am. Outside our window, the mountain town of Riobamba was just slowly waking up. It was difficult to fall asleep last night, thinking about what was in store for us this coming week. With the...
Written by Shuhan Wang, MS4 Buenos dias from the Andean highlands of Ecuador! After more than 24 hours of traveling, our 2018 cataract surgical mission team has finally arrived in Riobamba, a city known locally as the “Sultan of the Andes”. Situated at 2758m above sea level, Riobamba rests in a valley surrounded by...