Kings Park R.J.O. Intermediate School has a Community Awareness Program aimed at increasing the student’s awareness of the needs of others. Interested students are invited to monthly meetings where parent volunteers will introduce a need and a project to help meet that need. The children collected sunglasses, reading glasses and children’s prescription glasses for A Promise...
Drs. Robin Cunningham and George Coritsidis, worked with Stony Brook medical students Michael Subrize, Amy Fuller, and Bennett Hong on a research study involving the use of portable ultrasound in aiding mission physicians in making accurate diagnoses. Their poster: Portable Ultrasonography Enhances Diagnostic Capability in the Peruvian Andes was presented in June 2014 at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health Conference in Washington, D.C. The annual Consortium of Universities...
Many thanks to all who supported our annual Peruvian item sale. The funds collected from this event raised over 3,000 dollars which will be used to purchase needed medical and surgical supplies for the 2015 mission.
As stated in our mission statement, A Promise to Peru, Inc. provides an annual cataract surgical and medical mission to the remote villages of the Sacred Valley of Peru and other regions in need. We are excited to announce our date and location for 2015… We are traveling to a new region to provide our...
Source: The World Health Organization estimates 39 million people are blind and 246 million have severe visual impairment: 90% of those affected live in developing countries. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in middle and low-income countries, but 80% of all visual impairment can be avoided or cured. This cure can come in the...
A Promise to Perú, Inc. is an organization founded by Drs. John Shanley, Debra Messina and Natalie DiGioia, Faculty Members at Stony Brook School of Medicine in New York City. The organization provides an annual cataract surgical and medical mission to the remote villages of the Sacred Valley of Cuzco, Perú, and other regions in...
Consul General Of Peru and Maria Julia Colmenares A Promise to Peru’s Director of Clinic Operations, Julia Colmenares received an Award of Appreciation from the Peru Agribusiness Association (PAA) September 18, 2014. Peruvian Ambassador to the United Nations, Maria Theresa de Hart officiated the evening ceremonies. The PAA recognize Peruvians for their talent, professionalism and dedication. The 2014...
Physicians from A Promise to Peru, Inc were invited to participate in the ” 3rd International Health Symposium in the Sacred Valley, Peru” at the Urubamba Hospital on July 3, 2014. The Lecture symposium was organized by Peruvian physician Dr Francisco Morales. It was a three day lecture symposium working with the Peru Health Outreach...
Source: From June 28 to July 5, Drs. Jack Oats and Anzhelika Vaccaro of Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island will participate in A Promise to Peru Inc., a cataract surgical and medical mission to the Sacred Valley region of Peru. Oats will be doing cataract surgery with Dr. Mike Sable, secretary for A Promise to...
Here are some photo highlights!
Many thanks to all who attended and participated in our fundraiser dinner at La Parrilla Restaurant. We appreciate your support!
Founded in 2011, in just four short years, A Promise to Peru has delivered much needed cataract surgery and medical care to almost 7,000 residents of remote Peruvian villages, many of them now with restored vision…some even enjoying normal eyesight for the first time ever. Whether it is through a site restoring surgery or administering...