We woke up today to the sound of loud bangs, some of us thought alpacas were being prepared for food and others thought it was fireworks. The firework-minded people won, because Peru was celebrating the holiday of Corpus Christi. Because people had the day off, our clinics were swamped. I was working the medical clinic...
Today (June 14) was busier than the last two days, with at least two confirmed buses of patients coming at some point for the clinics. I worked in the eye clinic again, this time taking histories and translating Spanish or Quechua to English on the medical forms. Luckily I was joined by Mia and Andrea, two...
This post is a little more personal because after the first day our clinics become routine. Today I worked in the eye clinic performing visual acuity exams. We were stationed outside the optometry clinic in a small outdoor courtyard with two benches and 3 eye charts taped to the wall. Even though the courtyard was...
By Christine Chevalier We slept in for the first and only time this week, after this we’re looking at early morning starts at 6:45am and earlier! After a breakfast of coffee, papaya juice, bread, pineapple and papaya some team members went to the local market for Peruvian popcorn, some took pictures with the llamas behind the hotel, and...
By Christine Chevalier We traveled from JFK airport in New York all the way to Calca, Peru with a layover in Lima! Our journey began at 7:30pm(EST) on June 9 and we arrived in Calca at 3pm(CST), making a total travel time of 19.5 hours. Our dedicated team came mostly from New York, but also from as diverse places...
A big thank you to all who supported us to make the Fundraiser Dinner Dance a success!! Natalie DiGioia, M.D., George Coritsidis, M.D., Caty Roberts, Debra Messina, M.D., Michael Sable, M.D. and Jim Rienzo Dr. Natalie DiGioia with the two medical student leaders, Jared Su and Pallavi Tatapudy. Dr. Messina with Ambassador Maria Teresa...
A big thank you to all who supported us to make the Fundraiser Dinner Dance a success!! Natalie DiGioia, M.D., George Coritsidis, M.D., Caty Roberts, Debra Messina, M.D., Michael Sable, M.D. and Jim Rienzo Dr. Natalie DiGioia with the two medical student leaders, Jared Su and Pallavi Tatapudy. Dr. Messina with Ambassador Maria Teresa...
Allow me to introduce myself…… I am Nicholas Coritsidis. I am motived by photography and I enjoy challenging myself and helping others. These are a few of the traits that have led me to creating a campaign called Potable Peru. It is designed to raise adequate funds to purchase family style water filtration devices manufactured...
On November 5, 2016 Julia Colmenares CNA was honored for her dedication to A Promise to Peru by the Peruvian American Chamber of Commerce of Long Island at a dinner dance celebrating their 10th anniversary. Julia has been a part of the surgical mission team for the past 5 years. Pictured with Julia are A...