This 10 yr old dreamer was born at 28 weeks. Has some visual difficulties but also could not hear. Only a month ago did he finally get a hearing aid. His dream now is to be a physician to help others. When his mom, a translator for our team found out the Michael Sable, our super-surgeon, also had hearing aids, she wanted him to meet her son.

This moment was even more impactful than the surgeries that we were performing.

A 10 yr old child, from rural Peru… with no role modelsespecially none that wore hearing aids, to finally find someone he now considers HIS HERO… a doctor… just like the one he wants to be is LIFE CHANGING.

He now wears a white coat everyday to role play. Wears the stethoscope we gave him and talks about being like Dr Mike all day long. Also, Michael is keeping in touch via WhatsApp with Valentin.

Sometimes we change lives in a very palpable way, by giving people their sight back. Other times we get to do what only others dream of doing… INSPIRE.

When we support organizations like Sights On Health, we not only give people renewed hope, once in a while we inspire people to become that hope for others.

Thank you for donating and supporting us.