Global Healthcare & Vision Restoration

Sights on Health, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is committed to providing quality, compassionate care for those whose geographical and/or social status limits their access to medical care. A dedicated group of physicians & healthcare professionals from across the U.S.A. volunteers their time to provide free cataract eye surgery, medical care & eye care to those in need in South America.
Would you like to join our team?

Would you like to join our team?

We are preparing for our Cataract Surgical & Medical Mission 2025 Riobamba, Ecuador. Would you like to join our team? May 16-23, 2025 Flights: Round trip  JFK-Quito, Ecuador We are accepting donations through our PayPal  link to assist in purchasing medical & surgical supplies for the mission. Volunteers needed Medicine team: they will travel to communities for...
Lecture series hosted by Sights on Health

Lecture series hosted by Sights on Health

Physicians from Sights on Health hosted a lecture series for three evenings through the Asociación Científica de Estudiantes de Medicina at the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC). Thanks to Drs. Joseph Ng, George Coritsidis, Christina Rager and Carolina Pombar for their interesting & informative presentations to the...
Making an Impact

Making an Impact

Sights on Health was able to have a significant effect on so many people’s lives on this past mission to Cuzco, Peru. One story that comes to mind that had all of us so touched was about a 30-year-old patient. Due to a childhood illness he was deaf and in his...
2024 Cataract Surgical & Medical Mission Cuzco, Peru Recap

2024 Cataract Surgical & Medical Mission Cuzco, Peru Recap

Our mission concluded May 24, Sights on Health was able to perform a total of 78 cataract surgeries, 6 yag laser posterior capsulotomy ( removal of secondary cataract ) and 1 pterygium excision. These sight restoring procedures were done as part of this extraordinary 2024 mission to Peru In addition,...
Thank you LATAM Airlines

Thank you LATAM Airlines

Thanks to the incredible generosity of LATAM, our team of 22 members had their second luggage fee waived for all four flights for the round trip: NY to Lima, Lima to Cuzco.  That meant our fundraising dollars were spent on purchasing the necessary medical supplies & eye surgical supplies rather than paying luggage...
2023 5 Boro Bike Tour

2023 5 Boro Bike Tour

Want to join us in making a difference? Any donation will help make an impact in purchasing cataract surgical and medical supplies for the upcoming mission to Ecuador on October 7-14, 2023. The surgical team will provide free sight-restoring cataract surgery to 75 patients & the medical team will travel to...
Michael Sable, MD speaks to StonyBrook School of Medicine Alumni Association

Michael Sable, MD speaks to StonyBrook School of Medicine Alumni Association

Sights on Health’s surgical director, Michael Sable, MD speaks to StonyBrook School of Medicine Alumni Association about his experiences traveling to South America to perform sight restoring cataract surgery with the nonprofit organization Sights on Health, Inc.
SOH Celebrating Their Ten-year Anniversary, Returning to Peru

SOH Celebrating Their Ten-year Anniversary, Returning to Peru

Great News! Sights on Health, Inc. is celebrating its ten-year anniversary since their first cataract surgical mission to Peru by returning to Calca in the Sacred Valley, October 14-23, 2022 for its first cataract surgical mission since the start of the pandemic. It will be a smaller group than in years past-...
Sights on Health raises > $24,000 for campaign to feed our NY Frontline Heroes during Covid -19 Pandemic

Sights on Health raises > $24,000 for campaign to feed our NY Frontline Heroes during Covid -19 Pandemic

Imagine 3,576 healthy tasty meals appearing day and night in various New York area ICUs, emergency departments and hospital floors overflowing with critically ill covid-19 patients and their hardworking caregivers. We hope you can because that’s exactly what you were a part of! When you answered our call and gave so generously...
Latest entries

You’re Invited: Annual Open Board Meeting

Please join us for our annual open board meeting. All past participants welcomed to attend. November 14, 2018  Wednesday at 6:30pm Copperhill Restaurant 234 Hillside Avenue, Williston Park, NY 11596 Please RSVP by November 1st. Email us here to let us know if you can attend. Our mission reunion will be held after the meeting in the Taproom...
Medical Mission - 2018

Medical Mission – 2018

Our medical mission in Peru began Monday the 25th. Our team has six medical students from stony brook university, three medical students from UConn and a nursing student from Pace Univeristy. The physicians on the trip include a pediatrician, oncologist, nephrologist, pulmonologist, critical care physicians and a doctor of pharmacy. Our first day began in...
Medical Mission in Peru - 2018

Medical Mission in Peru – 2018

Our medical mission in Peru began Monday the 25th. Our team has six medical students from stony brook university, three medical students from UConn and a nursing student from Pace Univeristy. The physicians on the trip include a pediatrician, oncologist, nephrologist, pulmonologist, critical care physicians and a doctor of pharmacy. Our first day began in...
First Mission of 2018: Eye Care Mission Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota June 2 - 9, 2018

First Mission of 2018: Eye Care Mission Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota June 2 – 9, 2018

A Promise to Peru is excited to share with our supporters the details of our first mission held within the United States.   After many years of attempting to establish a relationship with Native American communities in the USA, we were able to join forces with several other non-profit organizations to serve the Native American community of Rosebud...
Second Mission: Medical Mission to Sacred Valley, Peru June 23-30, 2018

Second Mission: Medical Mission to Sacred Valley, Peru June 23-30, 2018

It has been a very busy month for A Promise to Peru, Inc.  After returning from our eye mission at the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota on June 9th, our team left for the Sacred Valley in Peru on June 23rd.  Our team leaders – George Coritsidis, MD, Medical Director & Board Member of A...
First Mission of 2018: Eye Care Mission Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota June 2 – 9, 2018

First Mission of 2018: Eye Care Mission Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota June 2 – 9, 2018

A Promise to Peru is excited to share with our supporters the details of our first mission held within the United States.   After many years of attempting to establish a relationship with Native American communities in the USA, we were able to join forces with several other non-profit organizations to serve the Native American community of Rosebud...
Gearing Up For Our Big Fundraiser Event!

Gearing Up For Our Big Fundraiser Event!

The committee for our Annual Fundraiser Dinner Dance  met at Iris Canepa’s house Saturday to assemble the raffle baskets for our event! Thank you to Iris Canepa, Julia Colmenares, Ana Castaneda, Leonor Gonzalez, Zoila Poire, Frances Ng, Cathy Roberts and Isabel for donating your time and creating these beautiful gifts!    
Lea Andreadis selects A Promise to Peru as her favorite non-profit!

Lea Andreadis selects A Promise to Peru as her favorite non-profit!

High School student, Lea Andreadis selects A Promise to Peru as her favorite non-profit organization and shares her thoughts… Written by: Evangelea Andreadis In my A.P. World History class at Harborfields High School in Greenlawn, NY, my teacher, Michelle Da-Silva assigned us a project to act as a representative for a non-profit or non-governmental organization...
Testimonials from our Volunteers

Testimonials from our Volunteers

Every year after our mission group returns to the USA, to the comforts of our homes, we ask our participants to reflect on their experience.  Their individual stories and feelings about serving selflessly to those in need are truly heartwarming.  Click here and you will read first hand how gratifying the experience of volunteering on...


We are excited to expand our outreach and we are relying on our volunteers for your continued support and enthusiasm! 1. A Native American Reservation, South Dakota, an eye screening mission, June 2-9, 2018. Mission will provide eyeglasses and comprehensive eye exams by optometrists and ophthalmologists Ophthalmologists, Dr Bill Epstein and Dr Pranav Patel are scheduled for this...
Mission - 2017

Mission – 2017

Our June 2017 Cataract Surgical and Medical Mission to Calca in the Sacred Valley of Peru was another great success!!  Over 500 medical patients and 1,384 eye clinic patients were examined, close to 1,600 pairs of distance, reading and non prescription sunglasses were dispensed, 63 eye surgeries and over 60 ultrasound procedures were performed.  This was...
Blog Post #6 – 2017 Mission

Blog Post #6 – 2017 Mission

June 16 Today we saw patients from 8am to 1pm in the medical clinic, completed post operative cataract checkups, and packed up the clinics by 5pm. Some of our members left for a night in Cusco, while others headed for macchu pichu. Everyone took time to enjoy the beautiful country of Peru through hiking in the mountains or...