The Gift of Giving Published on Garden City SurgiCenter, Garden City, New York In 2012, the Garden City SurgiCenter sent its medical director, Michael Sable, MD, and surgical technician, Lorena Chinchilla, to Peru to perform eye surgery. The mission, called A Promise to Peru, provides an annual cataract surgical and general medical mission to...
We are excited to be starting our good work here in the Sacred Valley of Peru!
Download the article here.
Getting prepared for our mission this June! The eye supplies from Alcon have arrived from Texas. The Students are hard a work preparing and organizing. Folsom City Host Lions Club and Lions District 4-C5 packed up their donation! Thank you. Photo via ciro morales
Originally published on The Journal of the American Medical Association Two decades ago, an American family traveled to Cusco, Peru, and adopted a 3-week-old Peruvian girl. The process was long and arduous and was successful only because of the intervention of some big-hearted strangers. Finally, after 13 months, the family was able to return to...
A Promise to Peru thanks the following for their support for 2011, 2012 and 2013 Cataract Surgical and Medical Missions: The past and present participants of the missions…the physicians, nurses, and other health related professional, medical students and the families who devoted their time and energies to join us in Peru these past summers: ...
Download the NYSight Fall 2013 publication here.
Our fundraiser at La Parrilla was a huge success. Thank you all for attending – we appreciate your support!
Many thanks to all who came out last Wednesday to support A Promise To Peru. The profits from our sale will go directly to the 2013 mission for Medical supplies.
Thank you for your interest in Stony Brook’s medical mission to the Sacred Valley region in Peru. (download pdf) This is a project that is constantly evolving, improving, and also struggling as we face challenges in helping improve the lives of people who live in medically underserved areas in the Sacred Valley and the Andes...
Available items for purchase include fine alpaca wool scarves, shawls and hats; hand-woven purses and belts; and other unique items. All profits from this event will be used to purchase medications and supplies for donation to the impoverished rural people of Peru. February 14, 2013 | 7am to 7pm Outside the Hospital Deli in the...
It is with great pleasure that we bring you the second installment of our quarterly newsletter. FriendsNE has been busy continuing our projects in Nicaragua, Peru and Haiti and building relationships within the communities we work. We are grateful for the abundance of hard working volunteers who enable us to put community initiatives into action....