Global Healthcare & Vision Restoration

Sights on Health, Inc., a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, is committed to providing quality, compassionate care for those whose geographical and/or social status limits their access to medical care. A dedicated group of physicians & healthcare professionals from across the U.S.A. volunteers their time to provide free cataract eye surgery, medical care & eye care to those in need in South America & the U.S.A.
Posts tagged "Covid-19"
Participant Profile: Patricia Morris

Participant Profile: Patricia Morris

This past year has been so difficult and sharing our experiences with each other will give inspiration to continue through these difficult months that still lie ahead. To keep our Sights on Health, we have asked our participants to answer three simple questions in regards to what their experience has been like in the past...
Consider a gift to aid Native Americans hard hit by Corona virus

Consider a gift to aid Native Americans hard hit by Corona virus

As we give thanks for all we have this holiday season, we are aware of how devastating 2020 has been for so many people worldwide. It has been frustrating for Sights on Health not to deliver medical care in person despite the need being so great. We are working to find ways to assist those...
Sights on Health raises > $24,000 for campaign to feed our NY Frontline Heroes during Covid -19 Pandemic

Sights on Health raises > $24,000 for campaign to feed our NY Frontline Heroes during Covid -19 Pandemic

Imagine 3,576 healthy tasty meals appearing day and night in various New York area ICUs, emergency departments and hospital floors overflowing with critically ill covid-19 patients and their hardworking caregivers. We hope you can because that’s exactly what you were a part of! When you answered our call and gave so generously to our special fund drive...
Proud of our Volunteers!

Proud of our Volunteers!

A special thank you to the physicians and healthcare providers working on the frontlines. Listed below are just a few of our past participants and where they’re contributing to help save lives.   These professionals are an important part of our Sights on Health family and have participated in our medical and cataract surgical missions to Peru and Ecuador since 2012;...