The Times Beacon Record helps spread the word about our mission
Source: northshoreoflongisland.com From June 28 to July 5, Drs. Jack Oats and Anzhelika Vaccaro of Ophthalmic Consultants of Long Island will participate in A Promise to Peru Inc., a cataract surgical and medical mission to the Sacred Valley region of Peru. Oats will be doing cataract surgery with Dr. Mike Sable, secretary for A Promise to...

Fundraiser at La Parrilla Restaurant – a big success!
Many thanks to all who attended and participated in our fundraiser dinner at La Parrilla Restaurant. We appreciate your support!

June Mission Prep
Getting prepared for our mission this June! The eye supplies from Alcon have arrived from Texas. The Students are hard a work preparing and organizing. Folsom City Host Lions Club and Lions District 4-C5 packed up their donation! Thank you. Photo via ciro morales

Fundraiser Dinner at La Parrilla!
Our fundraiser at La Parrilla was a huge success. Thank you all for attending – we appreciate your support!

2013 Fundraiser!
Many thanks to all who came out last Wednesday to support A Promise To Peru. The profits from our sale will go directly to the 2013 mission for Medical supplies.
February Fundraiser Event!
Available items for purchase include fine alpaca wool scarves, shawls and hats; hand-woven purses and belts; and other unique items. All profits from this event will be used to purchase medications and supplies for donation to the impoverished rural people of Peru. February 14, 2013 | 7am to 7pm Outside the Hospital Deli in the...

Art Showcase – Fundraiser
Sabores Restaurant & Bar – Friday May 18th, 2012 \ 6-10pm – 392 Woodward Ave. Ridgewood NY - An Art Showcase Featuring the Works of: The Children of the Sacred Valley & Photographer, Susanne Rieth
Eye Glass Collection Drive
We’re collecting gently used eye glasses – over the counter reading glasses, children size distance glasses and non prescription sunglasses (no bifocals or progressives). The eyeglasses will be brought to Peru this June and July. The glasses will be distributed to children and adults in need of vision correction. Please contact us if you have...

First fundraiser – a total success.
Many thanks to the students, faculty and friends who pitched in at our November 3rd Fundraiser. We almost sold out of all handcrafted Peruvian items!