Sights on Health has over 100 ways you can gift family and friends with something that takes up no space, has no calories and never gets returned! Purchase any gift from the list by clicking on the link below. In the notes field, write which gift you are purchasing.
~ Consider sponsoring a future cataract surgical mission (100 sight restoring surgeries) in memory of a loved one $21,000
~ Consider sponsoring a future medical mission in memory of a loved one $10,000
* Please contact Dr. Debra Messina for further information
To gift an item below, click here!
Sights On Health is a nonprofit tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please help our cause, either by donating online via paypal or make checks payable to Sights on Health, Inc. and mail to:
Sights on Health, Inc.
P.O. Box 427
Setauket, N.Y. 11733
Sights on Health, Inc.’s goal is to maintain the highest standard for financial responsibility. All of our staff are volunteers. Sights on Health, Inc. is committed to spending your money in a highly productive, efficient way.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation will directly support medical and eye care for patients living in extreme poverty in developing countries.
The World Health Organization estimates 39 million people are blind and 246 million have severe visual impairment. 80% of all blindness is preventable or curable, and your generosity will provide preventive and sight-restoring eye care to patients in South America who would otherwise remain or become blind because they are unable to access or afford quality eye care. Sights on Health. provides the cataract surgery, eye care, eyeglasses and medical care all free of charge.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, we are a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income taxation under IRC 501(C)3. You will receive a receipt for your tax records
Annual Tax Returns are filed with the IRS and are available for review by request. Email us here.
Get in touch with us at Sights on Health to learn more about our programs, services, or how you can support our mission to provide quality healthcare to underserved communities. Email us, click here!